Cassidy Williams

Software Engineer in Chicago

Cassidy's face

AI Usage

Everything on this website is written by me, personally, not an AI.

I do think that LLMs and AI are valuable tools for learning (and fun), and I have used tools like GitHub Copilot or Claude to help me write some code, but this website is very hand-crafted, on purpose, because I like being the human behind it.

If you'd like to learn why I made this page, check out The `/ai` manifesto!

Also, with regards to my blog and newsletter: I won't ever send you emails or messages generated by AI. I like the quote, "If you couldn't be bothered to write something, I won't be bothered to read it," and I think it applies here. I respect your time and attention, and I want to make sure that anything I send you is thoughtful and intentional!