Cassidy Williams

Software Engineer in Chicago

Cassidy's face

Cassidy Williams... who is she

Y’all, why is there a Scooby Doo character named Cassidy Williams?

Why is there a reporter in Connecticut named Cassidy Williams?

Because they want to ruin my SEO. That’s why. It’s personal.

But for real, you should probably Google your name, and maybe some keywords too. Your prospective employers are doing it. Your dates are doing it. The friends of your dates are doing it. Your old classmates are doing it. What comes up?

You can always fix your SEO by putting some content out there in the world, especially if it has some keywords that’ll stick out and make it obvious that it’s really you.

So excuse me while I do a lil bit of that:

  • Cassidy Williams mechanical keyboards
  • Cassidy Williams definitely not a Scooby Doo character
  • Cassidy Williams writes JavaScript
  • Cassidy Williams writes React
  • Cassidy Williams is seriously not a cartoon
  • Cassidy Williams makes memes
  • Cassidy Williams is 6ft 3in
  • Cassidy Williams made Jumblie
  • Cassidy Williams is 3D, not flat
  • Cassidy Williams lives in Chicago
  • Cassidy Williams conference talks
  • Cassidy Williams cassidoo
  • Cassidy Williams podcast
  • Cassidy Williams is alive and a real human

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