Cassidy Williams

Software Engineer in Chicago

Cassidy's face

Deploy from CodePen to Netlify in less than 30 seconds

Welcome to Blogvent, day 12!

CodePen is one of our favorite places to experiment, prototype, and build fun web projects. Deploying a Pen to Netlify is super speedy, and a great way to get your projects live on your own domains for all to see!

It took longer to write this blog post than it took to take a Pen and deploy it to Netlify. It was so fast, in fact, that I recorded it:

First, export your Pen to a ZIP file. Then, go to, then drag the dist folder from your exported Pen onto the page, and click the resulting new website. Done!

That’s right, in less than 30 seconds, a Pen on Netlify. Woo!

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