Cassidy Williams

Software Engineer in Chicago

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Figma Config recap

I spoke at Figma Config this year! The whole event was kind of a blur, but also such a great time.

I was MCing the developer track, which had some really awesome talks around design and development. Here’s a playlist of all of the talks if you’d like to watch them (you can see how they were organized in the agenda here if you want to find a specific one)! It’s hard to pick a favorite, but I did particularly enjoy hearing Josh Wardle speak about how he made Wordle (also, he played my game Jumblie backstage, which was very fun for me)! I also really loved how Sara Vieira live-coded her Figma plugin on stage.

This event was… so huge. Thousands and thousands of people waiting in lines for hours, hundreds of meetups happening in and around it, not to mention other events like the AI Engineer World’s Fair happening just down the street. It was intimidating, but hosting the track alongside Jason Lengstorf was a blast.

Probably my favorite part of the event, kind of like at The Merge a few weeks ago, was that a bunch of folks from my Discord group came!! I had never met several of the people in that group in person, and some I hadn’t seen in years, so it was really wonderful to have that time together.

Good ol’ friendship, good ol’ networking, it was a fun time.

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