Cassidy Williams

Software Engineer in Chicago

Cassidy's face

System.out.print("My Major");

Well howdy! As the weather is warming up, so are my coding skills. That’s right, I’m a computer science major. I’m one of those rare cases who chose their major in middle school and I’ve been loving it since.

Many people don’t know everything you can do with computer science. You can go into Information Assurance, Computer Graphics, Artificial Intelligence, Virtual Reality, Software Engineering, and so much more! I’m not entirely sure which branch I’m headed into yet, because all sound so interesting! My classes for computer science are fun. I’m in ComS 228 at Iowa State now, and we’re learning the nitty gritty bits of the programming language Java. One of our recent projects in the class involved coding the game Tetris. Not only was making the game fun, but then we were able to play it to our heart’s content!

My second test of the semester is on Thursday! I have some more studying to do, but at least I like what I’m doing!

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