Cassidy Williams

Software Engineer in Chicago

Cassidy's face

Sleep is the most magical thing in the world

My 17-month-old baby has been going through an absolutely awful sleep regression, and most of the month of September has been a sleep-deprived tornado. Because she can’t fully sleep… I can’t fully sleep. We tried everything. My husband and I switched off taking care of her, we tried rearranging her bed setup, we tried letting her sleep with us, we tried feeding her more before bed, we tried different pajamas, we tried a new bath-time routine, we tried taking her on more walks and to the park to get her more sleepy… nothing worked. We even asked our doctor, who shrugged and said, “unfortunately it’s normal, and the only fix for this is time.”

It’s a rough month for this too, because we all developed colds at one point, AND I started my new job at GitHub. It… has been very, very hard. I started cutting out side projects. I stopped watching TV. I was going to bed early, knowing that it didn’t matter, because I wouldn’t get much sleep anyway. I stopped practicing music. I stopped reading. Pretty much everything slowed to a stop.

And then today, glorious beautiful day, we all slept through the night for the first time in weeks with no interruptions.

Y’all… sleep is life-changing. Such a stupid thing to say, because yes, obviously, we should be sleeping. But everything is better now. I want to code more. I am more motivated at work. I am eating more. I want to start new projects. I want to sing and dance. I want to write. I am! I’m writing this, right now! I could fly!

Anyway. If you are reading this, this is your sign to go sleep.

If you are a new parent… the sleepless nights will end soon, I promise.

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