Cassidy Williams

Software Engineer in Chicago

Cassidy's face

My Talk at TEDxDesMoines

Hello friends!

So, I don’t know if a lot of you have ever watched a TED talk before, but they usually have some interesting food for thought.

WELL, I gave a talk at TEDxDesMoines last December, and I thought I’d share it with you all!

It’s just about my growing up as a woman in STEM (Science, Tech, Engineering, Math), and about following your passions.

I hope it gives you some inspiration to go after what you want.

And, you know I like feedback! I’m so happy about some of the comments and discussions coming out of the video:

“I particularly enjoyed this presentation. For some silly reason, many of the Math, Science and Engineering academic folks do not embrace Computer Science as a core element of STEM. In reality, Computer Science is the cortex of STEM. This young woman encorages everyone to have a passion, explore, network and have fun! She is combining her avocation with her vocation! I applaud her.. clap clap clap.”

  • Arta Szathmary

“I believe that Cassidy is a perfect STEM model for women and humankind.”

  • Chris Pirillo

“Cassidy will change the world, I am honored to know and work with her! Please show this video to all your daughters!”

  • Rane Johnson-Stempson

“Wonderful speech and thank you for being such an inspiration for young women everywhere! I can only hope that the doors you are working to open are there for my daughter when she gets older. Keep up the great work and keep inspiring everyone! <3”

  • Dee Sunday

I don’t know if any of those people will read this post, but I hope they know how much I appreciated their thoughts!

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