Cassidy Williams

Software Engineer in Chicago

Cassidy's face

My "romantic" Valentine's Day plans!

Hey cutie pie. I’d totes ask you about your Valentine’s Day plans but you’re so hot that you probably have people lining up out your window. So I won’t.

So, remember my weekend at PennApps last fall? Well, it’s happening again!

Starting Valentine’s Day, for 48 hours straight, myself and 1,200 other hackers will throw together whatever technologies we can to get something new and exciting happening by the end of the weekend!

So, this Valentine’s Day will be dedicated to my computer, to which I’ve had the longest loving relationship of my life.

It’s the relationship I’ve spent more time on than any other.

When things go wrong, I become enraged and attack inanimate objects, but I’m always willing to spend hours making things right.

I can turn it on in a snap. Come to think of it, I can turn it off in a snap.

It loves me back (there’s a reason why U and I are next to each other on the keyboard).

Anyway, this is getting weird.

I’m coding on Valentine’s Day.

I hope you have fun. <3

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